"You could never know what it is that we do by asking questions about what we do rather by taking action & doing what we do you will learn what it is that we do!!"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

VIP Training & Conditioning

So here's a list of protocols that I believe should be included in any persons strength & conditioning program no matter what your goals are!

1 - HEAVY TIRE FLIPPIN; brute strength lift, builds every muscle in your body aswell as great for conditioning

2 - HEAVY SLEDGE HAMMER ON TIRES; same as above, cant be beat!

3 - BARBELL SUMO DEADLIFTS; only one way, HEAVY AS SHIT! low reps,high sets,big weights to build gobs of size & strength

4 - ASS-2-GRASS GOBLET SQUATS FOR SPEED; high reps, low sets as fast as you can to build crazy explosive strength & endurance in the legs aswell as core strength

5 - DOUBLE KETTLEBELL OVERHEAD SQUATS; heavy, controllable weight building great core/stabilization strength

6 - WALKING LUNGES/PULLUPS/DIPS/PUSHUPS/HSPU; 5 basic bodyweight exercises practiced daily for great strength

7 - KETTLEBELL BENT & SIDE PRESS'; unbelievable overhead pressing strength


9 - KETTLEBELL TURKISH GET-UPS; whether for warmups,cooldowns,movement screening or workouts this protocol will take you further in your strength training by showing your weakness'

10 - RUNNING STAIRS; the strength endurance in your legs and for an iron heart, running long sets of stairs will take you to new pain thresholds

There is of course countless protocols that do a number of the same things listed above, this is just a short list of what I consider to be 10 great protocols to help you build real world strength & conditioning that would build up any athlete(whatever the sport) or any regular gym rat!

Let me know in the comments section what 2 or 3 protocols that you would add to my list!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And for my first real post:

A snippet from "World-Class Fitness in 100 Words:" on the Crossfit main site, by Greg Glassman....

"Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports."

1 - Regulary attending CROSSFIT is a routine

2 - Seeing as how very few people follow main site WOD's, check out Dutch Lowy's DVD on that subject, most crossfitters are following a class-style of CROSSFIT which means the workout's may be intense but far from short in duration except for the very seldom practiced benchmark workouts. Even still, some main site wod's are over 30 minutes in length.

3 - How many crossfitters actually partake in this one, because learning or playing new sports might actually mean not doing CROSSFIT for some time and according to most; that would be sinful! If I'm wrong, then how come there are no basketball games or judo tournaments held at the CROSSFIT GAMES. For someone to call themselves the fittest person on earth if they win the games, where was the new sports aspect of CROSSFIT implemented seeing as how the games are just glorified/intensified main site WOD's.

I'm begging those crossfitters out there in the world to explain this to me with good reasoning.

LOL, I love the internet!

My first blog.....

Hello internet! I'm excited to share my thoughts, ideas & practices I go through in my life with all of you. I hope you will find interest in my posting whether positive or negative, frankly I dont care if you like my stuff or not, but none the less this should be entertaining!!